Our services
Moving to a modern, efficient, data-driven, secure organization requires a robust business strategy and targeted controls, as well as applications that enable it.
Our Processes
As a reputable company, you deserve serious solutions. We accompany you from the beginning to the end of the development of your project.

Microsoft SharePoint Consulting
Microsoft SharePoint is a collaboration platform offered both locally and online through Microsoft's secure cloud. Through SharePoint, teams and individual employees can seamlessly share information. In this way, the platform enables easy collaboration and communication. Whether your team is internal, virtual, or a combination of both, Share Point stores all the important information in a single organized location. This gives you access to all the data you need without having to compromise on data security.
20,000 € donations for the 20th LINDIG Benefiz GolfCups on 25.08.2018
The donation readiness for the 20th anniversary of the LINDIG Benefiz GolfCup was
How can we help you?
About us
At platzdasch netConsult, over 25 dedicated, passionate, and experienced employees share the same goal: to design, build, and operate state-of-the-art software and IT infrastructures that help businesses focus on their business and core competencies.