Adventure Works
Adventure Works Cycles is a fictitious manufacturing company that demonstrates database concepts and scenarios. For more information, see AdventureWorks2008R2 sample databases. Adventure Works Cycles uses data warehousing and reporting in a variety of departments, including manufacturing and human resources. Production stores historical data on manufacturing defects and a range of other quality and performance metrics. Data is replicated by servers in the production plant.
Common requirements
Data warehousing and reporting applications typically have three key requirements that a suitable replication solution must meet. Thus, the system must first maintain a high transaction consistency. It should also have low latency so that updates to the online processing server can quickly reach the staging and reporting servers. In addition, the system should have high throughput to handle the replication of a large number of transactions.
The type
of replication
SQL Server uses a publishing industry metaphor to describe the components of the replication system. The components include the publisher, subscribers, publications and articles as well as subscriptions. The diagram above is the publisher's online processing server. All data on the online processing server is contained in two publications.